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Monday, August 13, 2012

You Didn't Have to Cut Me Off

Photo by: Rory M.

We've all done it. Amen? Amen. 

Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded "bad haircut". If you've read my previous post, you'll know about just one of my incidents. I wish I could say that I've learned my lesson, and it's been smooth sailing ever since, but that would be a big, fat lie. In fact, just last week I got a cut that I was less-than-satisfied with. This experience has prompted me to write a list of steps that I've taken to make the best of a bad haircut. 

1. Be vocal. 

If you don't like it, say so. You won't hurt anyone's feelings. It's far better to be picky and come away content, than to leave unsatisfied and hate your 'do until your next visit. 

2. Reality check.

If there's nothing to be done, then it's time to face the music. That is accept that you're not happy with it, but also give yourself a reality check: it's only hair, and that's not all there is to you. It sounds silly, but it helps to remind yourself that you are beautiful and valuable no matter what your hair looks like.

3. Find a kindred spirit. 

Chances are, you are not alone in your hairstyle. When I didn't like my hair, I started researching celebrities who had a similar style. It inspired me to look at mine a different way. This was actually very helpful. Once I saw the style on someone else, I thought it was super cute, and I was ready to rock it!  

4. Get a second opinion. 

No matter how bad it is, it's helpful to get the opinion to someone who is not under the emotional duress that often follows a bad haircut. Even if it's unanimously bad, someone else might have a positive way to look at it. For instance, last week my mother told me all the things she liked about my new style, and that was encouraging. She saw what I didn't. 

5. Find your style. 

There is often another way to style bad hair that is more to your liking. For instance- Don't like short bangs? Try a headband, or braid them. If nothing can be done, well, wigs are more common than you may think. 

Happy styling!


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